Tuesday, December 13, 2022

What makes you happy ?

Last week when someone asked, "What makes you happy ?" People came up with quite interesting random answers. However I simply answered "Life". Yes life itself is enough to be happy. What more do you want ? 

Okay when I say something like this, people usually come up with, "you are having a comfortable life", "you have everything", "you have people who loves you unconditionally".. Blah... blah.. blah..

Image Courtesy Google

But you know what, I have seen n number of people with long faces who have so much more than what we have. Most of the filthy rich people are sad people, they don't know what to do with their life. The problem is, they lack one thing. Contentment. They want more, and more and there is no end to it.

Today I'm going to read few pages of a book, sitting in my comfy couch, like this. :) :) Also planning to get lost in a romantic period drama if at all I'm able to finish the book. And I don't know, in fact I don't even want to know, if there is any other kind of happiness in this world. :)   

Okay enough of my blabbering. I'm just here in my cozy little corner of the universe, enjoying my solitude, counting my blessings. :) :) 

Oopss....My books are calling me. See you again. :) 

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