Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Too much winter

"You can't get too much winter in the winter" says Frost.

It's the coldest winter in recent times and it's heavily raining outside now. I'm not yet in the mood to socialize much, do not want to be bothered much either. I'm too lazy to update my Instagram feed, too lazy to write about the books I've read recently, too lazy to keep my promises. However I'm not guilty, I can put the total blame on this cold and beautiful Hyderabad winters.

Image courtesy Google 

The chillness feels like a warm hug. As I'm reading Eliot's poetry while sipping my coffee, I can totally relate to his words, "I have measured out my life with coffee spoons". How true !!! How very true !!!!! It feels like an altogether different experience reading him in these winters. Slowly, word by word, bit by bit, absorbing his abstract feelings entirely into my system.

As the exams are right around the corner, my kiddoo's extra classes are leaving me all alone with my solitude. However I'm missing him a lot, I miss watching Super hero movies with him in winters. Looking forward to holidays.

As for me, I'm in hygge mode in my safe haven. Spending my time blogging, reading, watching movies and drinking lots and pots of Coffee, far and far from the maddening crowd.

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