Monday, December 12, 2022

Grounded for two days

May be Mr.Mark's got angry with my 101 complaints with FB, he restricted my activity for a couple of days, it was really funny. :))  Now I know how to precisely use his stupid algorithms against him from bothering me. :P :P On this occassion we had some fun, where I can only post and my friends made so many funny comments spamming all over my timeline. :)) 

There is a Telugu saying "Kaagala karyaanni gandharvule teercharu " .It's that moment for me. :)))

Image courtesy Google

We introverts cannot imagine virtual world without emojis. We love to use emojis and gifs lavishly, they help us in conversing without a conversation. So I use like,love,care emojis alot to acknowledge 99% of posts without even  commenting. Mark seems to be not so happy..So here I'm, grounded for 2 days. It is allowing me to post and do other stuff except restricting me to like ,do emojis on other posts.

With this beautiful thing happened today, I finished reading one more book. Thanks Mr.Mark. You've done a great favour to me indeed. :P Now I can enjoy my reading without any stupid distractions from you.

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