Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Eat your fruit

Ahh !! finally I got some time for myself. Me, myself and my solitude. :) As usual, I woke up at 4.30 am and its almost 9.30 am when I'm completely done with all the work. 

Switched on the TV and started choosing today's show. My only problems these days are, which movie to watch ? and what book to read ? :)) With the new home theatre sound system and big screen experience, these days I'm too addicted to my Sony TV. Watching all kinds of shows and movies after finishing with my household routine. When there are so many books to read, too many movies to watch, so much music to listen and a lot to explore in this beautiful city which lunatic wants to spend time otherwise [I mean with people (wink.. wink.. )] !!! 

Yesterday night I've finished reading one more book. But I'm not yet in the mood to write a note on it as my winter romcoms are waiting for me. It's December and love is in the air. :) 

Eat your fruit.. Read your poetry.. The world will wait. :) :)

Copyright A Homemaker's Utopia

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