Monday, December 5, 2022

Doing my own thing

As I've learnt a lot of crucial lessons in these past couple of years, the coming year seems to be entirely my year. Not in terms of success or achievements. I hardly care about that kinda material stuff. But I've become a person of peace. I've become more wise and mature in these past years. It feels like I've become whole, a complete person. I always believed in "purity of conscience" which I firmly believe is a luxury in this modern society. But if you know what I mean you are as cute as this sleeping puppy. Quite unbothered by the world, she is happy in her own little world. :) :) My winter days are like these. :) 

Image Courtesy Google

There is a Moshfegh's novel by name "My year of rest and relaxation". In that novel, the protagonist simply lives a year doing her own thing in hibernation. But her reasons are her father's death followed by a bad break-up. Here my reasons are, I've finished grieving for everything that is dead in my life including my futile emotions, unhealthy bondings, toxic friendships and relationships and all. This year seems to be a year of "Zero baggage" for me. It took two long years to achieve this  :) :)

Even in social media front, as I've long ago left the circus to the most entertaining clowns, now I could do my own thing, and spend my time and energy productively, just living my life.

For me, the motto of 2023 is : Not my circus, Not my monkeys. :)

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