Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Mishima Again

I picked up another work by Mishima after 'Star'. I loved these lines from that work so much so that I would like to throw them out in the universe to turn them into the star dust...I know, such a dope !!! :P :P  But we book nerds are weird, can't help it. :) 

"But the girl was anything but dreaming. She wove her cloth with steady focus and fastidious attention.  Nobody was watching. There was no way my photograph was looking back at her. But there I was, under her voracious gaze! Through this sort of exchange, a man and woman can consummate a pure and timeless intimacy without ever actually meeting. In some deserted square, in the middle of a sunny day — it would manifest and consummate, without either of us ever knowing. Real love always plays out at a distance." ---- From Star By Yukio Mishima.

Image Courtesy Google

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