Friday, November 25, 2022

Wising up

If there is one thing that I learnt in the past three four years, that is this : Never ever lower your standards to fit in.

Image courtesy Google

Even though I find it difficult to admit it to myself ,I was always been a people pleaser. I had suffered from good girl syndrome for a long time. There were times I thought I might belong to the groups and worlds that are not mine, tried to understand and accept the ideologies that are not mine, tried to accept things which are against my self respect and values. I've always settled for the bare minimum only because I loved people, I cared for them, only because I want to fit in. And the price I paid in the process is, I lost myself.

Now that people pleaser is no more. She's gone for good. I'm going to start the next year with this promise to myself. Never ever lower your standards to fit in. Let people raise to your level to be part of your life. Just for a change, give them a chance instead. 

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