Friday, November 25, 2022

It's Friday Already

Finally me and my solitude got back together again. Been busy with family the whole month. Finally they are back to their homes. And it's Friday already !!! I managed to write a couple of articles in the last one month even when the house is full of people. Finished reading 2 books too. Seems I'm a bit more disciplined person when I'm around people. If I have too much free time at hands, I get easily distracted by several things. Typical mercurial trait, I know. :P

Image Courtesy Google

I enjoyed the time spent and made few more memories, but now I feel suddenly tired. Perhaps I might be a bit free till New year. Our cousins are planning something huge this time. They said it's a surprise !!! Hmmmm :) I like surprises :))

Next year is going to be crucial for me, I'm already making some plans. Let's see how it goes. Fingers crossed.

Right now I need my cup of coffee and a good book. Waiting for my prince charming who promised me that he'll buy me a coffee. It's time to relax, we both earned it. The weekend is still ahead to have fun.

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