Sunday, November 27, 2022

A thank you note

When I was a child I used to play with toys obsessively, like really obsessively. I played till I'm 14 which was quite unusual among children at that time. I played with them whenever I come back from school, even in the lunch breaks when I come home so much so that I made my mom worry. And I never liked my toys touched by anyone else. I was one possessive little brat at that age. :))  Thankfully now I easily give off the things I used once for others to use. Now I have less liking for used things except for books.

image courtesy Google 

Anyways, I digress. One day I suddenly stopped playing and gave all my toys to my neighbour's kids. Like, I simply gave it all. After that day I never played with toys again. Somehow for people like me, change isn't gradual. The things once I'm so passionate about lose their charm quite quickly, just like that, all of a sudden, out of blue, I lose interest. But yes, underneath all this craziness, I definitely have my own reasons which are logical. As the new year is approaching, I lost my passion towards few things and again passionately obsessed towards few other things. However, I'm not going to reveal what they are. Secrets must not be revealed, otherwise they lose their magic. The time will tell. 

I'm on my way to few more adventures. Bettering myself. Continuously evolving.

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