Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Early blogging days

I fondly remember my early blogging days, where people are not identified by anything political. Now they all are endlessly fighting over battles that are not even their own sometimes. As Sartre eloquently put, "Hell is other people", the social media is now full of hell where people are divided in groups based on religion, caste, region, states, social status, language etc. Literature is above all this insanity but it is funny when people claim themselves as literati while divided into groups !!!

Image Courtesy Google

Also the medium is full of old, grumpy and retired people who seems to have nothing better to do other than sitting and participating in the useless social media wars of words. Perhaps that makes them feel that they are still alive. So they usually drawn to people who entertain them in whatever ways. It is indeed same for the real world too. I need to change my privacy settings to selected few like many of my senior fellow bloggers, not everyone needs / deserves what you share.

This is certainly not a generalized statement of course, I have known many wise and old people who are still spending their time in a productive way like engaging themselves in gardening, reading, cooking and in so many other ways possible that suits their age and health conditions. We never know how precious 'time' is. They talk as if they are going to live forever. What a pity !!! 

Nowadays I feel like, Gandhi is much more relevant than ever.

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