Tuesday, November 29, 2022

What's cooking !!

I have just one more promise to be kept and I already began working on it. As I'm completely out of my hibernation mode, I started making few changes at home. Rearranging things, selecting and keeping aside some books to read next year. Also watching a couple of romantic dramas. They are so so cute, especially It's a kinda ritual for me to watch Lovey Dovey stuff in winters.

Image Courtesy Google

As I completely lost my interest in social media, I feel like I'm having plenty of time in my hands. These days the 'literary thing' is absent in social media. It is either full of political or social unrest, as if they all are always angry, full of hatred or resentment towards something or someone. They don't know how to take a moment and enjoy life. On the other hand, there is some d*****s s**t or utter clownery. There is no in between. Of course, even I have nothing much to contribute except for puppy pics, flowers and love poems. (wink wink) I know !! I know !!! this is even more stupid and crazy. :))) Anyways I was terribly bored with social media. Following only a handful of profiles and shutting down. My solitude and books are more interesting than my time spent there. The reading spree is going on.

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