Thursday, December 1, 2022

Permanently Closed

People who are able to see beauty in everything never get old, so I heard. But the world forcibly try to open your eyes to witness everything that is ugly. It seems as if they are totally blind to everything that is related to aesthetics.

Image Courtesy Google

Closed the door of my insignificant little world to the outsiders of Facebook. And having good time with my best buddies. I never realized the value of privacy, I thought we make everyone happy when we share our happiness with the world. But not everyone in your friends list is your friend, and not everyone deserves a place at the table of your life.

That too when the social media is rotten with so much hatred spread by atheists, feminists, liberals, left and ring wings. Most of those silly arguments and nonsense  is not even worth our time. The world no longer able to enjoy peace, happiness and quiet. I limited my private world to selected few. Not everyone is lucky enough to witness my goofy side :P :P As always planning to keep my blog posts and other public stuff for public. Welcoming this new year with happiness, love and peace.

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