Friday, November 18, 2022

A winter morning

I love winters, Hmmmmm... I love rainy season too.. Wait, I love spring as well...Okay basically I love life and every shade of it. After a morning walk and much needed second cup of filter coffee here I'm, in my little cozy corner of the universe. The final draft is finally out. I took nearly 2 months to work on it, such a shame !!! Yesterday night I sat working on it until 11 pm and slept like a sloth after pressing the send button. Nowadays procrastination has become a norm for me. I'm always having fun in my own little word, not caring about anything else. But the promises made must be kept, right !! 

Copyright A Homemaker's Utopia

I totally fell in love with Hyderabad, trying to grab each and every moment without missing. The evening readings in cafes is the best part of it. Getting lost in a book while the whole world passing by is something. I have to finish the last 50 pages of currently reading book today. Hopefully I can earn binge watch rights to my watch listed web series then.


Found in Folsom said...

Been so long that I have been to this space....FB and Insta ate up our blogs

A Homemaker's Utopia said...

I'm keeping it alive. I feel more comfortable here than anywhere else to write down my thoughts. :) Less crowdy :)