Saturday, November 19, 2022

Chitchat over a cup of coffee

Woke up very late today. In the week days it is usually 4.30 am. Tilak is still in bed. Today he is sleeping to his hearts content after hectic schedules of classes and tuitions. The time he is spending at home is considerably reducing day by day. I'm seeing him only in the mornings and after 8 pm at night. I'm missing him already. We use to watch movies together, read together and use to do a lot of fun activities. My responsibilities as a mother took a different turn now. He is having extra classes in the weekends too. As I'm having some free time to myself I hope I can make good use of it.

Image Courtesy Google

I'm working on my home garden. Need to buy few more plants for the empty pots. Visiting nursery is in this weekend's to-do list. May be visiting an old book shop and visiting a relatives place might be in the list. It's Naren's turn to plan. Meanwhile I have enough of time to get lost in my Utopian world of books. Happy weekend and happy reading folks. :)

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