Thursday, November 17, 2022


Yesterday in a conversation with a friend I observed a strange thing about me. We Geminians are mirrors. We can be the most adorable friend or a perfectly mean, arrogant jerk. Entirely dependent on the person we are dealing with. May be most people are like that in this world. What we dish out into the world, sooner or later we'll eventually get it back tenfold. In addition to that I have a peculiar habit, when people accuse me of something, which I never did in the first place, I try to become that very person for their convenience. I can't help it. That's my evil twin perhaps. :))) 

Image Courtesy Google

Whenever I argue against something or take sides, people accuse me of exercising privileged lifestyle. Or they call my high standards fascist or elite. Here comes the problem. I eventually end up being privileged elite, which I actually am.

These days I realized one more thing, not everyone has the luxury of reading whatever they like, whenever they like. Some have to earn their living, take care of their families and busy living with so many other responsibilities. From the beginning, spiritual and  philosophical pursuits are only meant for Elite. Then why I'm not exercising my privilege ? Why I'm wasting time on unnecessary issues ? 

But I'm true believer of the saying by Bertrand Russell "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." I think I enjoyed enough.

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