Saturday, March 19, 2022

Listening to Professor Borges Lecture

Okay I came too far to withdraw. I'm stuck with this old man now. When you are listening to this man, you cannot just interrupt him and say, "Hey I have another book waiting for me to read Sir. Lets catch up later." No, nada... There is no way out of it when you found yourself stuck neck-deep in his fantasy world.

This is something interesting :) 

“There is a Hindu school of philosophy that says that we are not the actors in our lives, but rather the spectators, and this is illustrated using the metaphor of a dancer. These days, maybe it would be better to say an actor. A spectator sees a dancer or an actor, or, if you prefer, reads a novel, and ends up identifying with one of the characters who is there in front of him. This is what those Hindu thinkers before the fifth century said. And the same thing happens with us. I, for example, was born the same day as Jorge Luis Borges, exactly the same day. I have seen him be ridiculous in some situations, pathetic in others. And, as I have always had him in front of me, I have ended up identifying with him.”

"I have preferred to teach my students not English literature but my love for certain authors, or, even better, certain pages, or even better than that, certain lines. One falls in love with a line, then with a page, then with an author. Well, why not? It is a beautiful process."

― Jorge Luis Borges, Professor Borges: A Course on English Literature

Image Courtesy Google

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