Friday, March 18, 2022

Rainbow Colours of Life

It's a long weekend for us. Just came back home and here I'm... In my cozy little corner of the universe. With me, myself and my solitude. :)

There are days when I don't feel like reading, or I'm too busy to read , or too much wrapped up in reality to care about reading. Yet I don't worry, I do not have the fear of missing out anything. I just take a deep breath and continue living in the moment. I absolutely love reading but reading is not everything. I'm obsessed with many other things. Like painting, photography, travel, cooking, food and among all, life. I'm deeply obsessed with this beautiful world around me with all it's rainbow colours. So I go on living, looking at life with awe.. And then some days I get time to read, Or I feel like reading and learning and then I get lost in books ,with almost similar obsession. If possible I would devour the whole ocean in one single gulp. :P Margaret Atwood asks wittily, "I'm not sure which is worse: intense feeling, or the absence of it." ? :) 

Anyway, when I get back to reading I have a habit of reading atleast few pages from my favourite old man, Borges before opening whatever book I was currently reading. He makes me enthusiastic enough to turn pages.

Here is something interesting I found today. 

"I believe that the ‘obligatory reading’ is a contradiction in terms; reading should not be obligatory. Should we ever speak of 'obligatory pleasure'? Pleasure is not obligatory, pleasure is something we seek. 'Obligatory happiness'! [...] If a book bores you, leave it; don’t read it because it is famous, don’t read it because it is modern, don’t read a book because it is old. If a book is tedious to you, leave it, even if that book is 'Paradise Lost' — which is not tedious to me — or 'Don Quixote' — which also is not tedious to me. But if a book is tedious to you, don't read it; that book was not written for you. Reading should be a form of happiness, so I would advise all possible readers of my last will and testament—which I do not plan to write— I would advise them to read a lot, and not to get intimidated by writers' reputations, to continue to look for personal happiness, personal enjoyment. It is the only way to read.

------ Jorge Luis Borges, From Professor Borges: A Course on English Literature.

Here is a pic of Holi celebrations today at home. Needless to say I was hiding from them while taking this pic. :)

Image Courtesy Google

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