Monday, March 20, 2023

Just one more day to go

Tomorrow is the day. Just one more exam to go and then, the roller coaster ride begins.. Kiddoo is already excited making plans. And it's amusing to see him jumping out of joy. These kids remind us of our childhood. The day of final exam is something..!!!!

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God bless me !!! :) :) Shopping for farewell, parties, get togethers and going to places. Ufff... Moreover shopping with that little brat has becoming challenging nowadays. He became very picky, (umm just like his mom of course :P )  After days of quiet it feels a bit overwhelming for me even to think all about it.

But one thing, I used to feel like he no longer needs me like before. Cause whenever I tried to help him, "I will take care of it Maa" was his standard answer. He like to study all by himself and he don't like me near him while studying. So I started giving him space, and watching him from a distance. But as the exams are approaching, he started to feel the stress and a couple of months ago asked for my help in Hindi (trust me, a real cloud 9 moment for Momma). It was the only subject he hated the most. :)) And here we are, more than glad to help. :))

Surprisingly we both enjoyed those lessons. Me translating every word for him and we both laughing at the same time cracking jokes on the Latin like Hindi. Meanwhile, I was left behind in my own reading goals. However if Goodreads allow I would like to add three books of Hindi, including Grammar edition to catch up the reading challenge this year :P :) 

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