Thursday, November 24, 2022

Looking back

So much to read, so little time on earth !!!!! I wish I could get one more life entirely devoted to reading. :))) 

2022 was a total disaster when it comes to my reading. Ahh, I'm not a psycho who reads all the time, I have got a life to live other than reading. But I'd love to read whenever I get free time. Coming to this year, I was too busy having fun in my own little world as always. I'm not the one who does things for the sake of doing it, I have to be passionate about it.
Image courtesy Google 

This year my passion for reading was replaced by exploring this new city. Hyderabad was too distracting, but in a good way ofcourse. Even now when I'm writing this the foggy view of the beautiful city from my balcony is distracting me :) 

I met all my family members after so many years, had (still having and will have until we are here ) so many wonderful get togethers. Weekend outings, dining, taking part of family functions. Ohh it was a rollercoaster ride for me this year and I enjoyed every moment of it. Only after coming here I realized how much I missed my people all these years. They are now just an hour or so away from me.

Hopefully next year I might get back with my usual reading, if and only if I have time away from this beautiful distraction called Hyderabad, It's too Bad :)) Moreover social media lost it's charm for me. I got bored of it.

I got some recommendations from my book nerd buddies waiting to be read. One of my mentors saw me having so much fun and simply gave me some homework, "Nagini, read these and let me know what you think of them" :)) But, yes the suggestions are too tempting. Couldn't wait to read them. Still a couple of articles are in line to get published. One for the book, Probably next month. On a whole this year I had a quality reading year as usual in which most of my reading was done around some ground breaking feminist works.

So whenever I panic that I'm not reading enough, I tell myself , "Dear,you are neither retired nor old, yet. So cheer up and have fun :) " 

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