Wednesday, March 16, 2022

My pet peeve

When the social media/blogger groups formed around a decade and half ago they were solely based on reading, writing and photography. Most of them have passion for literature and books. Also they have certain standards in the way they carry themselves online with grace, the way they write and engage with people. Not all are welcomed in that world. You can call it a pretty good literature elite. The class where everyone is respected for their uniqueness irrespective of their gender, social status, caste or creed where nobody cares about anyone's personal lives. I consider myself lucky to be part of the budding blogger days.

But lately the blogging culture is slowly replaced by Facebook and Instagram. These spaces are filled with all kinds of people. The people who think themselves as Litterati are mostly pulp fiction readers. I do not have problem with that as we readers enjoy various kinds of genres. But my pet peeve is the kind of downgraded language some of them speak. May be it is because most of them are rooted from journalism and other social activist groups. Among them the feminists are even more worse, off the charts.

Most of the bloggers and scholars from our blogging days keeping their distance from this kinda mediocre environment. Perhaps they would have thought this is not where they belong. As they say, Eagles don't fly with pigeons. Yes they have standards. Some of my good friends advised me to get out of that clutter but it may take some more time for me to follow their footsteps. Perhaps my patience/tolerance levels are too high. I'm still having fun with my selective little group of like minded / decent friends.

Sometimes I even enjoy when people talk rubbish in social media. Here is the trick. That is precisely the moment we get to know who is buying it, laughing at it, entertaining it and relishing it. And I get to know who I need to stay away from. It is as simple as that. :) 

Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company. - Booker T. Washington.

With Beatles "Get back to where you once belong" playing in the background, here is my today's breakfast platter. :) 

Copyright A Homemaker's Utopia

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