Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Going Quiet

Sometimes I talk all day and sometimes I shut down for several months. :P Currently working on an article and I need to get it done. Although I'm having fun journaling, I mean blogging like this, if I have to get something done then I need to put my time and effort on it. As I cannot do multitasking, sailing on two boats do not go well with me. For people like me it's always, one thing at a time.

Image Courtesy Google

So far my year of rest and relaxation (far from the world) is going well. Yet, I have to write few promised articles this year. Even though I'm not good with deadlines and all, I would like to keep my word.

As Ralph Ellison put it so well : "A hibernation is a covert preparation for a more overt action.”

Being a born procrastinator and very inconsistence person who do not live by any rules (and the one who always wants to have fun in my own little world), nowadays  my mantra is "Let's see how it goes" :) 

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