Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Love all, Hate none

My mom was a spiritual person who believes in after life. She use to say, even if someone wronged you, treated you like s**t , just let it go and let it god. "If you hate them or think bad about them, then karma follows you to your next life. And as a result, you'll eventually meet them in your next life too. You'll have to cross paths again because there will be scores to settle. So don't take this life's baggage to the next life."

Image Courtesy Google 

As a non-believer, even though I feel it is really funny, I liked the core concept of it. "Never hate anybody." "If you don't like them, stay away from them, let them go. Simply go on living your life." And if you are kind enough, wish them well."

I followed that rule all my life. If I don't like something or someone, they just become irrelevant for me, as if they do not exist in my world. Because as far as I'm concerned, they don't.

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