Saturday, December 3, 2022

Forgive Yourself

In all these years, the most hurt caused to me came from the very people whom I loved the most. Be it family or friends the people whom I trusted the most betrayed my trust and proved that the world is not a very nice place. They slapped across my face and reminded me again and again that the world is not a Utopian world. They proved that monsters are real yet the fairy tales are false. I've come to terms with the reality people wanted me to see clearly.  So it's time to forgive myself for not knowing my worth.

Image courtesy Google 

Forgive Yourself:

For settling for less

For trying to cross oceans for people who do not even cross puddles for you.

For giving to the wrong people

For only giving and not even asking anything in return.

For allowing others to take you for granted

For blindly trusting and believing in good in people

For not having boundaries even with your loved ones

For believing "Friends" are your well wishers.

For not knowing your worth.

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