Wednesday, November 16, 2022

There is no hiding in Social media

People think they can hide their true personality by just keeping quiet or openly not taking sides on any issues. But what they forget is, there is no way of hiding your true colours once you are a social media user.

Image Courtesy Google
The things that use to annoy me once, are not annoying me anymore but they become more like a psychological study and comic entertainment nowadays. It's fun observing sneaky ways of people. They silently press a simple like or comment on posts that interests them. And the things they express eventually reveal their muddy conscience and lesser than mediocre values.

I usually judge a man by the company of the women they prefer. Or the women they usually surround themselves with. (It need not be a man in particular, it is applicable to both the genders). As they say, tell me about the company you keep, I'll tell you who you are. Or the saying we all know, "Birds of same feather, flock together". When I see people in crappy places, I think, Yes, that's where they belong, what they deserve. I never felt proud of my high idealistic standards or  mindset before. But after seeing some shitty slums and repulsively pathetic areas in social media, I felt, "Thank God !! That is not where I belong."

I'm thankful, because I have some good and like-minded friends even in this difficult world of social media, who live by certain values, dignity and integrity. And yes you'll not find them wandering in every crappy corner of social media.

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