Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Really !!!!!

This quote I just found in Instagram inspired me to write this bragging stuff. The most funniest moments for us twins are when people think they know all about us . That's when there is a mischievous smile on our lips. It's like "Aahhh really ?? Tell me more about it ??" moment for us. We are absolute angels to some, the kindest people they have ever known in their whole life to some, the most rude and arrogant jerks to some. Like all other people , not everyone gets the same version of us anyway. 

Image courtesy Google

The thing with Geminians is, we usually overshare things. Under the rule of Mercury as communication is our strong suit, we like sharing our world with others, like our hobbies and interests etc. Because of that oversharing people get that illusion that they know so much about us. But we only share what we think the world needs to know. And it might sound strange, but we are the most private people who are very skeptical about allowing people in our inner circle. We have only a handful of friends whom we blindly trust, the rest are mere  acquaintances. At the same time , we can never be your fake friend. If we don't like you, we'll make sure that you'll know.

So when people act like they know us, we are like "No darling, you only know what you need to know about us."

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