Sunday, March 27, 2022

Any Time is Coffee Time

Saturday was busy full of shopping. Being a nerd I'm often too lazy to dress up like usual girly way. Since few years I was mostly comfortable wearing Western wear so much so that I almost stopped buying ethnic wear and sarees. Moreover western wear i.e jeans and tops/tees are more comfortable when it comes to country side living (for trekking and weekend outings in deep muddy forests etc.)

There was a time I used to wear mostly cotton, turquoise, silk salwars. They are high maintenance ofcourse, means a lot of hard work to keep them in good shape, however they carry certain dignity. Anyways, after so many years I bought a couple of salwars yesteday in a cloth exhibition, I loved them. The quality is similar to the cloths we used to buy at Chennai Trade Center. The weavers came from all over India. Finally I found a place in Hyderabad where I can buy clothes of my choice.

One more best part is having Chole bhathure at the shopping centre. It was just heavenly !! We called it a day at a Coffee shop with a little bit of chitchat and a cup of coffee at 11.30 pm. Any time is Coffee time right ?? :)

Image Courtesy Google

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